Thank you for your interest in becoming a beta tester for Adventure Climb VR (ACVR)!
We're excited to have you on board as we refine and perfect the game before its official release. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us create the ultimate climbing adventure experience.

Please fill out the form below to apply. We'll review all applications and select testers based on their responses and compatibility with our testing needs. If chosen, you'll receive exclusive access to the beta version of ACVR and the opportunity to help shape the game’s future!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
  To personalize communication and track participation.  
Your age *
  To ensure diversity and meet age requirements for VR gaming  
Your location (city, state, country) *
  To understand the geographical diversity of our testers.
Your Oculus Email *
So we can send your device our testable game via the Oculus App Store
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