2022 FATE Board of Directors Nomination Form
Thank you for nominating or self-nominating a current FATE member to serve on the FATE Board of Directors. The call for nominations begins Monday, April 25, through Tuesday, May 10 at 5 pm.  

This form should take no more than ten minutes to complete; a progress bar will display on the bottom of the screen.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Nominee Information
Please complete the following section on the nominee.
Name of Nominee *
Nominee's Email Address *
Nominee's Phone Number *
Nominee's City of Residence *
Position for Which Nominee is Nominated (Positions available as of 2022 are indicated as 'even year') *
Descriptions of each position can be found online at https://bit.ly/FATEpositions
Nominee's District and/or Higher Education Affiliation(s) *
Nominee's Teaching Experience *
Nominee's Social Media Handle (LinkedIn)- If no account, indicate N/A *
Nominee's Social Media Handle (Twitter)-if no account, indicate N/A *
Nominee's Social Media Handle (Other)-if no account, indicate N/A *
I recommend the nominee based on the following (please check all that apply)
Is the nominee a current member of FATE?
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Is the nominee aware of your nomination and interested in serving on the board?  
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Additional Information relevant to nomination
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