Dismissal Change
If you are not able to fill out all parts of this form, please contact the office (859-879-4670) for assistance.  This form will be inactive from 1 PM-3 PM Monday-Friday.  If you need to make a change during those hours, please call the office. 
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Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Homeroom Teacher *
Parent/Guardian Name (first & last) *
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Student's PIN (this is the last 5 digits of your child's Student ID, which can be found in Infinite Campus or ParentSquare).  *
Change Effective Date *
Specific Details about the Change (Ex. Sally will ride bus 1 home on 9/21/24; Ex. Sally will be a car rider and picked up by John Doe on 9/10/24).   *
Is this a permanent change? *
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