Angel Tree Tag Request 
Mercer County Angel Tree Program 2024

Thank you for helping Mercer County children and families facing financial hardship this Christmas Season. Complete this form to request Angel Tree Tags for the organization you represent or for yourself as an individual. After reviewing your request, our Home Family Resource Center staff will contact you within a few days.

Please start by entering your email. 
Email *
Please re-enter your email: *
What is your first and last name? *
What is the name of your Business, Church, or Organization? If this is an individual request, simply enter "self." *
What is the full address of your organization or your household? *

What is the best phone number at which to contact you?

How many tags are you requesting for your organization or yourself? (Please only request what you believe you can reasonably distribute) *

When would you like your tags if you are on a timeline for your organization? (Remember you must distribute, collect, and return un-shopped tags.)

Could you pick up your tags at Our Home Family Resource Center, or do you prefer they are mailed or hand-delivered? *
Please provide any special Instructions for Hand-Delivery Requests.
Is there anything else you want to tell us or need us to know?
If you hand out fewer tags than you receive, those un-shopped tags must be returned to Our Home by December 2, 2024. *

Gifts you collect need to be delivered to the rear of Celina First Church of God, 850 Fairground Rd., Celina, OH 45822, on December 11, 2024, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon.

Our Home staff will contact you in the coming days regarding this request. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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