Homework 1: Satellite Remote Sensing for Agricultural Applications
This homework includes questions from the first lecture of this webinar series. It would be best to record your answers on a sheet of paper or word document before submitting them here. You will not be able to save your answers and return to complete this form at a later time.

To receive a certificate of completion, you must have attended all 4 live sessions and complete this homework by April 28, 2020. The second (and final) homework assignment will be due May 12. Once you submit the homework, you will receive an email with a copy of your responses.

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What was the first Earth observing satellite to be launched with the express intent to study and monitor the planet’s landmasses? *
5 points
What was the first instrument to monitor vegetation at a global scale with a high temporal frequency (1-2 days)? *
5 points
Which of the following are applications of remote sensing for agriculture and food security? *
5 points
All of the following are science products derived from MODIS data, except: *
5 points
Evapotranspiration cannot be measured directly with satellite instruments. *
5 points
Which instrument is the successor to MODIS for Earth science data product generation? *
5 points
Which of the following precipitation products has the highest spatial resolution? *
5 points
Healthy vegetation reflects more of which radiation? *
5 points
The SMAP passive radiometer receives energy in which frequency band? *
5 points
Optical sensors cannot penetrate clouds or vegetative cover. *
5 points
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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