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Early Head Start Parent Satisfaction Survey  2020-21 Program Year
114 responses
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What county do you live in?
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Who is your  home visitors
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Who is your  home visitor?
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Rate the dental education provided to you by the program. (handouts and conversations with home visitors, etc.)
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Rate the immunization and well child check education provided to you by the program.(conversations at home visits, handouts, etc)
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Rate the nutrition information provided by the program.(handouts and conversations with home visitors, etc.)
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How well did the program meet your family’s scheduling needs?
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How well did the program work with you to meet your child’s individual needs/goals?
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How supportive was the staff in helping you work on individual/family goals?
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Rate the program’s efforts to connect you to services/resources in your community.(baby pantry, electric/utility assistance, budgeting/housing resources, etc)
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Rate the opportunities for Family Engagement Activities. (playgroups, policy council, family events, volunteering, trainings)
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10. How effective was communication between Early Head Start and your family?
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How well did Early Head Start support you as your child’s most important teacher?
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12. How sensitive and responsive were the staff to your family’s needs?
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How well did the program improve your child’s school readiness?   (brought developmentally appropriate activities, shared how to extend activities throughout the week, explained how the activities promoted school readiness)
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How well did Early Head Start motivate & support you in reading to your child?
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How well did Early Head Start prepare my child & family for a smooth transition to Head Start or another program/child care setting?
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How well did Early Head Start help promote/support your relationship with your child?
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How well did home visits inform you about your child’s developmental progress?
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What is the likelihood that you would recommend Early Head Start to others?
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How well did the program encourage you to tell friends and families to apply? (provided staff phone number, business cards, postcard, flyer to share with other families)
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What do you think are the strengths of the program?
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Were you able to participate in the socialization's/parent workshops this year?  If you were unable to attend please explain so we can learn how to have more parents participate.
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Please list your suggestions for areas we could improve our services to children and families?
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Do you believe your experience with the Early Head Start program will have a long term, positive impact on your family? Please explain.
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General Comments/Suggestions:
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