2020-2021 Kindergarten Student Input Form
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This is the time of year that we begin to create classroom lists in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year.  Our goal is to create balanced classes for all children.  As part of the placement process we are seeking your input.  We take the following factors into consideration during the placement process: instructional program, balance of student ability, balance by gender, and learning styles.  We are very fortunate to have a talented group of educators at the primary level.  Each individual has a great deal to offer; therefore, please do not request a specific teacher for your child.  Please complete this form by Friday, May 8th.  

Letters informing you of your child's kindergarten placement and teacher will be mailed to you the first week of August 2020.  

Please email Dorothy DiAngelo (diangelod@victorschools.org) or Melissa Goho (gohom@victorschools.org) if you have any questions.  We look forward to working with your child.  

Dorothy DiAngelo
ECS Principal

Melissa Goho
ECS Assistant Principal  
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Child's Last Name *
Child's First Name *
Name of Person Completing Form *
Pre-K Program Attended *
Please indicate your preference: *
Please describe the academic, social and/or emotional needs that you would like us to take into consideration during the placement process.
Do you anticipate your child having separation difficulties at the start of the year?
Please note and explain any other important information that you would like us to take into consideration.  Please note peer combinations should be listed only when there is a compelling reason.  Requests for or elimination of specific teachers will not be taken into consideration in the placement process.
Please note any critical health and/or family issues we should be aware of (i.e. - separation, divorce, death, move).
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