Maryland Blaze Track Club Contact Form
Thank you for your interest in Maryland Blaze Track Club. Please fill out the entire form.
Email *
Athlete Full Legal Name *
Athlete Date of Birth *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Events Interest (Novice Athlete) 
Event Participated (Experienced Athletes)
Which seasons are you most interested in? *
Experienced Athletes Performances (, etc. Please list or provide URL to athlete profile.
Experienced Athlete Current Athlete Team (Note if "Unattached")
For Experienced Athlete: 
Maryland Blaze Track Club does not honor Club transfers without knowledge of the current team. You must contact your current team and inform them of your interest before we contact them to confirm a mutual agreement to transfer. Do you understand and agree to this requirement? (If no, your athlete will not be considered eligible to transfer)  
How did you hear about us *
If you attend an Information session, was the content helpful?
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Any general feedback or suggestions for the club?
If you are a parent filling out the form please provide your name. If your number and email is different above please note that here. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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