Planetary Science MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2025
Crowd sourced list of people who are looking for MS/PhD students to help connect prospective students with advisors so we can do even more fabulous planetary science! (Submitting a response indicates that you agree to have it shared in a publicly accessible google sheet) 

Planetary science, exoplanets, and astrobiology anywhere in the world are welcome!

(****Please do not submit responses for other people unless you have their explicit consent or they have publicly posted the opportunity****)

Note that submitting a response here does not automagically populate the spreadsheet so there is often a short delay between when you fill this out and when the spreadsheet is updated.

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MS or PhD (or both) *
Institution *
Advisor *
Advisor email address *
Advisor website *
Dept/Program Website *
Topic Area *
Do your program require standardized tests (GRE, TOEFL, etc)?
Does your program guarantee funding and if so, for how many years?
Anything else you need me (Sarah Horst) to know when posting this?
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