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As per IS 4987 : N = (Cᵥ/P)² , Where N = optimum number of raingauge station in a basin, Cᵥ = Coefficient of variation of the rainfall values of the existing raingauge station, then P is [APPSC : 2016]
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The angle of dispersion of a concentrated load on the flange to the web plate of a steel beam is [APPSC : 2016]
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If uplift is not considered, base width of elementary profile of gravity dam of height H and specific gravity G is given by [APPSC : 2016]
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If the stadia interval and the focal length of tacheometer are 12 mm and 24 cm respectively, then the multiplying constant of the tacheometer is equal to [APPSC : 2016]
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The test conducted for the calculation of basic compressive stress of masonry is [APPSC : 2016]
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With the increase of time, the direct costs of the project [APPSC : 2016]
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Acoustics of an auditorium is considered to be excellent when its reverberation time is between  [APPSC : 2016]
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Resource smoothing will be adopted when   [APPSC : 2016]
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The RL of the floor in a building is 100.00 m and the staff reading on the floor is 1.40 m. If the reading on the staff when held inverted with bottom  touching the T-Beam of the slab is 3.60 m, then the height of the T-Beam bottom above the floor is equal to [APPSC : 2016]
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Sway calculations and non-sway calculations are carried out in single operation in [APPSC : 2016]
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Arohi cut a cake into two halves and cuts one half into smaller pieces of equal size. Each small pieces’ weight is twenty gm. If in all she has seven pieces of the cake with her, how heavy was the original cake?
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The cost price of a mobile is Rs. 9000. Approximately, what price a trader should mark on it so he could gain 10% even after giving a discount of 15% to customer?
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In the given question, find out which part of the sentence (A/B/C/D) has an error. Choose the correct option accordingly. My father (A)/ has broke (B)/ his arm (C)/ in two places. (D)
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Which app has been launched by the Agriculture Ministry to facilitate transportation of food grains?
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Which Indian King was known as Indian Napolean
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