The STEM Village Immunology Symposium - 18th November 2024
To help us design our event, we have put together this brief survey to gauge interest in the event and possible topics. We would really appreciate your help in completing this survey. All questions are optional, to ensure that respondents are not required to answer questions that they do not feel comfortable with. 
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Which institute are you based at?
Please suggest contacts/groups at your institute that we may contact to circulate details of the event
What is your career stage?
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Do you identify as:
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What topic do you work on? (Please provide a brief description or a list of key words)
Would you be interested in presenting:
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Would you be interested in hearing about the following topics?
What length of event would you prefer?
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What would motivate you to attend this symposium?
If we need to charge a registration fee (to cover costs such as catering and venue-related charges) how much would you be willing to pay?
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