Manifest Diversity- Subscribe to a monthly newsletter
Manifest Diversity is designed to have student leaders at the centre, supported by a multi-disciplinary team, to develop and embed a student led steering group with opportunities for co-collaboration across all elements of university life, facilitate opportunities to network, develop leadership skills, promote the student voice and an inclusive culture. a video of our student leaders discussing what we are about.

We aim to do this by:

Building a platform and community to give students a voice to collectively address barriers to equality. This will embed and promote multiple initiatives which will be highlighted and developed by students and for students in collaboration with multi-disciplinary staff.

Identifying issues that affect students from African Asian or other Minoritised groups and work proactively to ensure equality of provision across all areas of university business.

To provide a safe space for discussion – what do ‘I’ need as a student to make me feel comfortable – and opportunities to impact structural racism as a collective.

Our future objectives

To develop a blogging site to give staff and students a voice to affect department and college and university approaches towards anti-racist pedagogy and policy and practice – people will come to this for ideas – issues such as food outlets and what is on offer/ NHS access and others – trends that all minority groups face that are not recognised by the university community.

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Guest blogs and podcasts from a range of others who will talk about their experiences of higher education and succeeding in the jobs market or further study. We have podcast recording sessions on collegiate campus, which you are invited to join in with and provide your input. We want to hear what you have to say!

Networking with others – giving a voice for all – not diversity and inclusion but an actual identity for African Asian and other Minoritised groups, channeled in the right way to show the diverse population that we belong – you need to recognise us and our importance as part of the wider student experience.
Evaluating what is helping to make change and more permanent change – not just ticking a box but what can we do to make an impact – act as a 2 way channel of communication about staff and student experiences and then what can be actively done, not lip service to those experiences.

Group Lead: Tanya Miles-Berry-
Student lead: Fozia Sultana

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