Peoples Bail Out NYC  (on hiatus)          Attorney/Social Worker Requests
Peoples Bail Out NYC is on a planned hiatus from through August 31, 2024.

No new bail outs will be organized and we will not respond to bail out requests during the hiatus. We recommend you do not fill out and send us requests at this time.

In struggle,
All of us at Peoples Bail Out NYC 🖤

Updated: July 14, 2024
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Email *
Client Name (and preferred pronouns) *
Book & Case Number *
List the cash bail and partially secured surety bond (PSSB) amounts, and any PSSB conditions (e.g., percentage, number of sureties) *
Does your client have any holds (e.g. parole, immigration) or active warrants that would prevent the client from being released if bail is posted? *
Was a 72-hour-surety hold ordered? *
Do you plan to submit a writ of habeas corpus or a bail application? *
What needs will your client have upon release? Please note if you've already arranged support for any of these needs. *
Has your client consented to being bailed out via a community initiative? *
Have you submitted a request to another bail out group or to a bail fund? *
Can your client's family and/or friends assist with the bail/bond amount and/or appear for the PSSB? Please briefly explain. *
Attorney Name (if you are not the assigned attorney, please explain)  *
Attorney Phone Number *
If possible, please tell us if your client is facing immediate risks to their wellbeing/survival (physical, medical, mental, emotional) and/or is encountering other harm while in jail. (NOTE: While your answer will determine whether or not we're able to prioritize support for your client, please share only non-confidential information with your client's consent. If you need more time to get their consent, you may indicate that here. Also: Please share only the information we've requested. (We do NOT consider and do not need or want information about the charges, the circumstances of the case, your client's history with law enforcement, nor their projected ability to appear.) Thank you!) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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