dotCMS - Report a Bug

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on dotCMS!

Feel free to report any issues here, or you can post them on our GitHub repository.

For your convenience, we recommend reporting the issue directly on GitHub as that would allow you to directly upload screenshots and videos, track our progress, and respond to any questions from our development team.

Either way, your feedback helps improve dotCMS. 👍

Thank you!
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Email *
Problem Statement *
Explain the problem. How common is this issue? Who does it impact? How severely does it affect them? If this is a front-end issue, please include the Browser & OS.
Steps to Reproduce
How do we reproduce this bug? Ideally, please include a screencast link.
Acceptance Criteria
What objective needs to be met in order to resolve this?
dotCMS Version
What version, or environment, is this problem related to?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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