Cleveland Report an Absence 2024-2025
This form is to report FULL DAY absences only

Cleveland Parent or Guardian,

Please complete the following form to report your student's absence.  Per district policy, absences can only be excused if reported within 5 school days. Please allow 3-5 days for the absence to be updated. Once you report your students absence please disregard the automated call from the district. 
It is not necessary to call the office to report the absence as it has already been received. 

Thank you

Padre o tutor de Cleveland,

Complete el siguiente formulario para informar la ausencia de su estudiante. Según la política del distrito, las ausencias solo pueden justificarse si se reportan dentro de 5 días de escuela. Si reporto la ausencia, ignore la llamada automática.


Attendance contact: Ms. Karla Ramos at or
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