The Application
Congratulations!  Just by landing yourself here on this application, you have taken a step towards following your heart, Soul and intuition.  This is HUGE and should not be overlooked!!  You are already on the path towards deep healing, creating a life in alignment with your Soul and experiencing your highest potential.  So exciting!!!  Thank you for following your heart and thank you for your curiosity about working together!

Please take your time filling out the application below. It will help you clarify why support with us could be a great fit for you and also help us get to know your challenges, needs and vision for your life.  Your deep dive into this application will begin to build the foundation from which we can support you while getting the results needed so that you can create and THRIVE in the life of your dreams - no matter what the state of the world is.

Here's to creating your most fulfilling life!

With all our love, gratitude and excitement,

Jenna + Team
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Name *
Email Address *
City & State *
Current Occupation *
What inspired you to apply to work with us? *
What would you LOVE to create/ experience in your life right now? Be specific in describing your most fulfilling day to day reality (spiritually, emotionally, financially, relationships, career, home life, health, etc).  *
Why is your vision important to you? *
On a scale of 1 to 10, how devoted are you to making the vision described above your reality? *
not very committed
Please describe your current challenges. What are the 3 most relevant challenges that you are dealing with? *
Why do you need to solve these challenges NOW? *
What other programs/ solutions (healing modalities, inner work practices or mentorship programs) have you already tried?  Why did or didn't these work? *
What kind of support do you need from us in order to have the kind of experience you desire to have while working together? Is 1:1, group, or a combo best for you? *
What about you makes you a great potential client for us? *
What would you MOST hope to receive out of working with us? *
On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your current emotional health/ awareness? *
Not at all
Couldn't be better!
On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your current connection to your purpose/ alignment with your Soul Path? *
Not at all
Couldn't be better!
How do you feel about investing in yourself (financially and also with time and energy) to create the ideal vision you described above? *
Do you value:  *
Our programs range between $2k - $15k. What describes you best? *
If you were referred to Jenna by someone please enter their name.
Anything else you'd like me to know? I’m very grateful that our paths have crossed. :)
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