Weight - write lbs or kg (Remember it is Anonymous) *
Your answer
Do you regularly experience any of the following behaviors? Mark all that apply honestly, remember that it’s an anonymous survey:
How old were you when you started doing any of the previous behaviors? (give the age for the behavior you started at the earliest age)
Your answer
Do you currently engage in any of those behaviors? *
In case you've done any of those behaviors. Have you ever seeked help because of any of them?
Clear selection
Have you ever strictly done a "bulk" or "cut" along with weightlifting? (explaining your tracking of calories and macros) *
Have you ever been diagnosed with an Eating Disorder? *
If you HAVE ever been diagnosed with an Eating Disorder write the name of the Disorder in the box:
Your answer
If you've had an eating disorder write (in numbers) the age when you had the first episode related to the eating disorder you suffer or have suffered:
Your answer
If you have NOT been diagnosed with an Eating Disorder, have you ever self diagnosed yourself? *
If you HAVE ever SELF diagnosed yourself with an Eating Disorder write the name of the Disorder in the box:
Your answer
If you've self-diagnosed an eating disorder write (in numbers) the age when you had the first episode related to the eating disorder you suffer or have suffered:
Your answer
Have you ever followed a diet to change physical appearance? *
Was a desire to change your physical appearance a reason for which you decided to diet?
Clear selection
If yes write (in numbers) the age when you started your first diet:
Your answer
How often do you think about your body image or weight? *
Do you feel that social media influences your eating behaviors or body image? *
Have you ever experienced pressure from friends or family to change your eating habits or body appearance? *