GOLD General Body Petition Against Retaliation

To President Beilock, Dean Kull, and Provost Kotz,

The general body of GOLD understands that the right to engage in a strike of labor is a fundamental right of workers. We take the defense of this right to be a serious and important matter. 

Nonetheless, retaliatory threats from Dartmouth management have made some of our most vulnerable members afraid for their livelihoods, careers, and even visa statuses. This is unacceptable. As members of a union we do not stand divided as individuals. Retaliation against any one of us is retaliation against us all, and we are committed to fighting for every last member of our unit. Retaliatory discipline against any single unit member for striking will always be met with a collective response. Even graduate students who are not currently part of the strike action nonetheless respect and support the rights of others to engage in a lawful strike. 

As the grading system currently exists, “low passes” (LPs) and “no credits” (NCs) functionally operate as the primary measures for employment discipline. In the context of teaching and research assistant positions, failure to perform job duties results in LP/NC grades. The accrual of multiple LPs or NCs can result in academic probation or removal from our employment as graduate students. 

Article 1 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) defines a legal strike as a form of “protected, concerted activity,” and Section 8 states that employers may not “interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7.” A strike of labor is one such right, and threatening disciplinary grading action for strike participation is one such form of coercion. 

The Dartmouth administration has chosen to wield the threat of LP/NC grades as a tool for coercing  graduate workers not to strike. In Dartmouth’s “Faculty: Strike Information FAQs,” the Dartmouth administration states, “[g]rades for all courses, including research and teaching courses, should be assigned using same [sic] academic metrics and standards as they would under normal circumstances.” While vague, this language is understood by many graduate workers as permitting individual faculty to implement retaliatory measures of discipline against striking workers if they choose.

There is still time to fix this. We demand that Dartmouth administration publicly affirm that, as a matter of College policy, strike participation will not result in removal from PhD or Masters programs, academic probation, removal of funding, or the implementation of any action that moves students closer to facing these disciplinary actions. 

We will not tolerate any graduate worker being retaliated against or disciplined, including with academic probation or program dismissal, due to their participation in the strike. If such retaliation occurs, the signatories below commit to full participation in the strike. We also commit to further collective labor actions until all disciplinary action is undone and any affected workers are made whole.


GOLD UE Members:

  1. Dan Murante

  2. George Dufresne

  3. Rayna Rampalli

  4. Jake Willard

  5. Martin Ying

  6. Kai Herron

  7. Dennis Webster

  8. Ankita Sarkar

  9. Kameron McCombs

  10. Jonathan Lindbloom

  11. Yixuan Peng

  12. Genevieve Goebel

  13. Ma. Francesca Santiago

  14. David Freeman

  15. Logan Mann

  16. Aamani Thulluru

  17. Grace Carey

  18. Rendi Rogers

  19. Elora Greiner

  20. Jackson Yant

  21. Cove Geary

  22. Anja Holtz

  23. Ridhi Chandarana Rajesh

  24. Matthew Slein

  25. Will Clendenning

  26. Amy Conaway

  27. Quinn Casey

  28. Wisse Haakma

  29. Joseph Savage

  30. Benjamin Getraer

  31. Sarah Cuprewich

  32. Jamie Good

  33. Magdalina Moses

  34. Galini Poimenidou

  35. Kristen Jovanelly

  36. Montserrat Perez Castro

  37. Casey Latario

  38. Irma Vlasac

  39. Lia Michaels

  40. Smitakshi Goswami

  41. Zachary Boyce

  42. Jannitta Yao

  43. Shan-Chang Lin

  44. Madeline Hoey

  45. Stacie Stuut

  46. Andrew Projansky

  47. Mia Phillips

  48. Ian Raphael

  49. Nesibe Derin Sivrioglu

  50. Tara Tomlinson

  51. Douglas Beahm

  52. Yukuan Tao

  53. Alina Dracheva

  54. James Logan

  55. Kiran Mirpuri

  56. Allison Mann

  57. Robin Zou

  58. Simone Evans

  59. Atticus McWhorter

  60. Keighley Rockcliffe 

  61. Beth Anne Castellano

  62. Mayra Flores

  63. Jonathan Conroy

  64. Reina Harding

  65. Aliza Phillips

  66. Lilly Tipton

  67. Alex Gottlieb

  68. Muhammad Qasim Khan

  69. Alex Mule

  70.  Anthony Cressman

  71. Jason Necaise

  72. Lucas Dyke

  73. Brent Harrison 

  74. Danelle Akanova

  75. Fan Feng

  76. Luke Rein

  77. Jules van Irsel

  78. Sarah Peery

  79. Weishi Wang

  80. Jackson Shimkonis

  81. Samantha Liu

  82. Alex Fu

  83. Stephanie Podjed 

  84. João Pedro Teuber Carvalho

  85. Pepper Pennington

  86. Aylin García Soto

  87. Emmanuel Durodola

  88. Linta Joseph 

  89. Qianxu Wang

  90. Pradipta Debnath

  91. Matt Rock

  92. Flora Perlmutter

  93. Yiyi Tang

  94. Saima Shikesho 

  95. Divya Ravi

  96. Chinaza Nnam

  97. Kate Miller

  98. Maggie O'Shea

  99. Mert Ozkan

  100. Sanjana Pannem

  101. Alexander Getraer 

  102. Madeline Morrisson

  103. Helen Jarnagin

  104. Jonathan Alperstein

  105. Bailey Nordin

  106. Sophia Micale

  107. Chloe Sweetman

  108. Lan Nguyen

  109. Karl Biggs 

  110. Julianna Donohoe 

  111. Quin Shingai

  112. Hieu Nguyen 

  113. Dylan Green

  114. Francois LeSage

  115. Rebecca Valls


1. London Warburton - Dartmouth Staff
2. Jonathan Cohn - Postdoc

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I sign on to the letter and petition, affirming:

"If any graduate workers are retaliated against or disciplined, including with academic probation or program dismissal, due to their participation in the strike, we commit to further collective labor action. In this event, until all disciplinary action is undone and any affected workers are made whole, [I commit] to full participation in the strike."
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