Mission Inn Field Trips
The Mission Inn Foundation would love your school group of grades three and up group to tour the Mission Inn. The tour is 60 minute walking tour explores the interior of the National Historic Landmark Mission Inn Hotel, offering the opportunity to see parts of the hotel which are normally inaccessible to the general public, based on availability. Students learn the history Riverside tied to Mission Inn founder Frank Miller. Tours are $3 per student or teacher and up to one chaperone for every six students. Chaperones beyond the 1:6 ratio are still welcome; however, they will need to purchase a discounted $10 tour ticket.

Title 1 Schools

Tours are free for all students and teachers of title 1 schools and up to one chaperone for every six students. Chaperones beyond the 1:6 ratio are still welcome; however, they will need to purchase a discounted $10 tour ticket. The Mission Inn Foundation is providing bus scholarships of up $500 as a reimbursement for ten title one schools to visit the Mission Inn during the 2023/2024 school year through the generous support of the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation. To sign-up, please use this online form.
Please note, the ten bus scholarships are available on a first come-first served basis.

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Email *
School Name (no acronyms please) *
Group Leader Name *
Daytime phone *
Cell Phone (In case we need to reach you on day of tour) *
Are you a title one school? Tours are $3 per student/teacher and free for all students/teachers of title 1 schools. *
About how many students and teachers will you have? Please list students and teachers separately. *
One chaperone for every six students can receive the $3 rate or free for title one schools. Additional chaperones will be offered a discount rate of $10 per person. About how many chaperones will you have?
If you are a title one school, are you interested in the Mission Inn Foundation bus scholarship program? The Mission inn Foundation will reimburse schools up to $500 for buses for field trips to the Mission Inn. Schools will submit their invoice for the bus to receive a check. Please note, this offer is limited to ten school groups for the Winter/Spring of 2024. *
Please give us three choices of dates for your field trip. First choice. *
Second Choice *
Third Choice *
How did you hear about our field trip opportunities? *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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