Volunteer Application
Welcome! Please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 
Bienvenidos! Por favor rellena este formulario y te contactaremos pronto. 
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Email *
First and Last Name 
Nombre y Apellido
Phone Number 
Numero de Telefono
How did you hear about this volunteer program?

Como escuchaste sobre este programa?
Why are you interested in volunteering at Finca Serenidad?

Por que tienes interes en hacer voluntariado en Finca Serenidad?
Please briefly describe any experience you have with gardening, permaculture, off-grid living, or camping.

Pro favor brevemente describa la experiencia que tengas con jardines, permacultura, vivir fuera del red, o camping.
Do you have a valid passport?

Tienes pasaporte?
Have you traveled abroad before?

Has viajado fuera de tu pais antes?
Do you understand that you need to give a financial donation in order to participate in this experience? (The donation must be minimum of $111 and can be as much as $999 based on what you are able to give.)

Entiendes que tendras que dar una donacion financial para participar en este programa? (La donacion tiene que ser minimo $111 y puede ser hasta $999 dirigido a cuanto puedas dar.)
Do you understand that only one meal a day is offered by Daja during this exchange and you will need to prepare or buy your other meals?

Entiendes que Daja solo le ofrece una comida al dia y el resto tienes que preparar o comprar?
During which time period are you interested in volunteering?
Thank you for completing this form! Not every person who applies will be chosen to volunteer. Please have patience and we will respond to you soon. 

Gracias por rellenar este formulario! No todas las personas que rellenan esto van a poder hacer el programa. Por favor tenga paciencia y te responderemos pronto.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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