Franklin Rainbow Pride Interest Form
Back this spring is the Franklin Rainbow Pride group! Whether you participated last year or are new this year, we invite you to join us for a handful of meetings this spring. This group is for Franklin STUDENTS who identify as or allies of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender-expansive, or queer (LGBTQ). We also welcome students who would like to learn how to be an ally. This group will be led this spring by volunteer parents with the goal of transitioning it back to teachers and staff in the fall. Content will be age appropriate and in addition to covering LGBTQ-specific topics, we will also address topics such as intersectionality (i.e. LGBTQ and other identities, including race and ethnicity).

If you are interested in participating or volunteering to help, please provide your name and email below. Responses will go directly to Heidi Alexander (parent of Zoey Alexander, 2nd grade),
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Parent/Caregiver Name(s)
Child(ren)'s Name(s)
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