Volunteer Application for Global Bible Tools Glossing
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Have you looked at the introduction doc (which is also a video) and glossing standards? If not, please do before continuing. *
What is your WhatsApp number? *
Full Name *
Do you have regular access to a computer to do this work? *
Where are you from? *
Where do you live now? *
What is your mother tongue or the language you speak best? *
What language do you want to help gloss into? *
Which part of the Bible do you want to help with? *
Describe your Hebrew and/or Greek education and experience. How and where did you learn? *
How many years have you studied Hebrew? *
How many years have you studied Greek?
Describe your proficiency level in biblical Hebrew.
Describe your proficiency level in biblical Greek.
What motivates you to volunteer for this project?
Since this job requires using English reference tools like lexicons, please describe your English proficiency and whether you will be comfortable using academic tools like lexicons in English. *
How many hours per week can you commit to this project? 
What is your current job (the way you make a living)? *
I understand that I won't earn a salary for this work. *
Some people may need to raise donation support in order to do this work. If you do, how much would you need to raise? We may be able to help advertise this need and possibly connect you with those who want to support your language. But usually it's best to show your dedication to the project first by doing some unsupported volunteer work. Feel free to share more about your situation below.  *
What Christian tradition are you most comfortable with? (e.g. Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, etc.) *
Would you be interested in helping with the translation of a Hebrew or Greek lexicon/dictionary into your language? *
Please save this video link to watch our tutorial if you are invited to contribute (this link is also at the end of the glossing standards doc): https://youtu.be/lTEPmiN2zY4 *
Please send the following via WhatsApp to Andrew Case at +52 951 6444166:
1) a picture of yourself with your name written out
2) a short video of you introducing yourself personally (tell about your family, other interests/hobbies, how you discovered this project, how we can pray for you, etc.)
We realize that the glossing standards doc is long. So, if you haven't been able internalize its content thoroughly, please bookmark it and make a note to use it often as a reference when you have questions about the work. *
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