//English below

Velkommen til X2 FESTIVALEN 2025! For tjuende gang arrangeres Norges største vinter-ekstremsportfestival.
I den anledning er vi på utkikk etter personer som kan være med på mediecrewet og PR-teamet. 

Mediecrewet har ansvar for å filme, klippe og ta bilder av de ulike grenene, konsertene, foredragene og den gode festivalstemningen! 

PR-teamet er ansvarlig for å male sosiale medier i X2-farger både før, under og litt etter festivalen. Vi poster alt mediecrewet lager, og lager enkelt content til f.eks. Instagram, Tiktok & nettsiden.

Det loves høyt tempo, lange dager og ekstremt god erfaring.

Å jobbe for X2 er frivillig arbeid. Vi sørger for mat, drikke, husrom (om du bor utenfor Søre-Sunnmøre) og utgifter i forbindelse med festivalen. Vi har ikke mulighet til å dekke skader på privat utstyr eller reise til/fra Volda. Innholdet du produserer under festivalen kan brukes fritt av X2 i all fremtid. 

30. april - 3. mai 2025

Spørsmål? Send en melding til Sivert Brautaset (mediacrew): sivert.johan.brautaset@gmail.com // 97073385
or Iver Alne Bolin (PR-team): iver@ulvenrocker.no


Welcome to the X2 FESTIVAL 2025! For the twentieth time, Norway’s largest winter extreme sports festival is being held.

In this regard, we are looking for people to join the media crew and PR team.

The media crew is responsible for filming, editing, and taking pictures of the various events, concerts, lectures, and the great festival atmosphere!

The PR team is responsible for painting social media in X2 colors both before, during, and a bit after the festival. We post everything the media crew creates and make simple content for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and the website.

We promise a fast pace, long days, and extremely valuable experience.

Working for X2 is voluntary. We provide food, drinks, accommodation (if you live outside Søre Sunnmøre), and cover expenses related to the festival. We are unable to cover damage to personal equipment or travel to/from Volda. The content you produce during the festival can be used freely by X2 in the future.

30. April - 3. May 2025

Any questions reach out to Sivert Brautaset (mediacrew): sivert.johan.brautaset@gmail.com // 97073385
or Iver Alne Bolin (PR-team): iver@ulvenrocker.no

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Full Name

Email (gmail preferred) *
Phone number
Mediacrew or PR-team? *
What position would you like to work as?
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What camera-gear do you have?
PR team:
What position would you like to work as?
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Do you need a place to stay (external volunteers only) *
What days of the festival can you work? *
Are you flexible to work the months leading up to X2?
Do you have a driver licence and can drive a car during the festival ? *
Do you have a car to drive during the festival? *
Do you need to fly to Volda to attend the festival?
Previous experience (link some of your work) *
If you have any questions, you can put them here. 
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