United We Dream - Share Your Story!
The United We Dream Story Program provides a space for United We Dream to work with immigrant youth and parents on drafting their written stories and with their consent, share on our various platforms, media channels, or during legislative visits. Here's how it works:

Part I: This Story Intake form will be used to compile basic contact info, self-identified biographical information, and ask if you are being impacted by recent immigration-related scenarios.

This form can be filled out on your own, by a United We Dream staff person, a United We Dream volunteer, or another individual. This prompt will appear at the end of the form. You may choose to not answer certain questions that appear past the basic contact info page. At any time you can stop filling out this form.

Part II: United We Dream will use this information to sort stories and schedule callbacks. During the callbacks, a trained United We Dream staff or volunteer will ask you questions in order to craft your WRITTEN story. You will then be asked for consent to share your WRITTEN story on each of our various platforms, media channels, or legislative visits. You will be asked if you want to participate in optional photo, video, and media opportunities in the future.

BEFORE WE SHARE YOUR WRITTEN STORY in any of our platforms, media channels, or legislative visits, we will ask you for your consent once more.

(Optional) Part III: We will reach out to you to participate in certain photo, video, or media opportunities that may provide a safe space for you to share your story. We will coach you or prepare you along the way. You do NOT need to participate in these opportunities and may share your WRITTEN story only.

If you have questions prior to filling out this form, please contact: info@unitedwedream.org with SUBJECT line "Question - UWD Story Program Intake."
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First Name *
This is the first name that you use yourself. It can be your name given at birth, chosen name, or other.
Last Name *
This is the last name that you use yourself. It can be your name given at birth, chosen name, or other.
Phone *
Email Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
You may write "I do not want to disclose this information."
If you are part of an affiliate organization in the United We Dream network or a United We Dream chapter, please write your affiliate or chapter below.
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