Fall Festival Volunteer and Donation Sign-Up
We are so excited to organize PS17's second annual Fall Festival. To make this a great event, we need lots of help and contributions from the community. Please take a look at the options below and consider ways you can help!
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Would you like to organize an Activity Table for the event?

1) You & your team come up with an idea and a list of supplies needed. (This could be done as a group of parents from one class, or just a group of families - or by one energetic individual!)
2) Work with the E-Board to request donations or purchase needed supplies.
3) You set up and run the activity on the day of the festival (if you need a few extra volunteers for the day of the event, let us know.)

Please describe the activity and any supplies you might need.  
Would you like to donate baked goods or other food for us to sell at the snack table during the event?

What would you like to contribute?
Can you donate a Basket for our "Basket Raffle"?

We are looking for up to 10 "Themed" Baskets to Raffle off during the event - themes could be things like "Cooking," "Art supplies," "Pumpkin Carving Supplies," or really anything you can dream up!

This could be a great idea for a Class Caregiver to work with families in one class to put together!
Are you interested in volunteering during the festival?  We will set up specfic time slots and volunteer roles closer to the day of the event, but let us know if we can plan on including you in those lists!
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