Ridge Lacrosse Flag & Tumbler Order Form
Get your RIDGE LACROSSE FLAG today!  Flag is 3' x 5', single sided, and hangs vertically.  Display your love for Ridge Lacrosse outside your home, in your player's bedroom, or your senior's soon-to-be college dorm!  
Your purchase supports Ridge Girls Lacrosse.   

For the Ridge fan on the go, get your Ridge Lacrosse 20 oz insulated tumbler for $20

 Please fill out the form below and submit payment separately via Zelle to Ridge Girls Lacrosse via Zelle (select ridgelaxgirls@gmail.com) or mail a check to Lisette Mowen, Treasurer, at 95 Blackburn Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 or Venmo. Please note name and "Ridge Flag" or "Ridge Tumbler"  in memo so we can match the registration.  We have flags on order with a quick turn around so make sure to gets yours now!  Tumblers are in stock and ready!  Orders will be delivered to you by our team. 
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Ridge Lacrosse Flag (please note: purple & blue lines will not be present on the flag; they are for printing purposes only)
20 ounce insulated tumbler
Order Name (First and Last) *
Address  *
Order email *
Order Cellphone *
# of Flags ($60 each) *
# of Tumblers ($20 each) *
 Payment Due (please calculate and input below) *
Please pay separately - mark form of payment below: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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