AANHPI Student RSVP (May 1, 6-8pm)
Join Columbia Journalism School's Asian American Journalist Association and Office of Diversity Equity & Inclusion to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month on May 1 from 6-8pm. 

There will be a panel moderated by Duy Linh Tu, the Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Professional Practice. Jamie Nguyen, CBS News; Xavier Wang, The Wall Street Journal; Ming Fan, Visiting Scholar at Columbia University; and Haruka Sakaguchi, Freelance Photographer whose work has been featured in National Geographic will join Dean Tu in conversation.

The panel will be followed by smaller breakout groups with each of the panelists and some additional professionals in the field. (Breakout groups will begin roughly around 7pm)

Networking reception to follow. 

If you have any questions please reach out to Katherine Lin ksl2152@columbia.edu or Juliana Tao Min Giacone jtg2153@columbia.edu
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Are you affiliated with Columbia Journalism School? If you are a student or an alum please indicate your class year. 

*If you are NOT a Columbia Student please provide the school you are affiliated with and your class year* 
Rank which Discussion Group you'd like to be a part of (we'll try to accommodate as best we can but can't guarantee a particular speaker). 1 is the person you want the most. View Bios
Xavier Wang, WSJ
Ming Fan, Documentarian and Visiting Scholar at Columbia Journalism School
Jamie Nguyen, CBS
Haruka Sakaguchi, freelance photographer & National Geographic
Haidee Chu, The City and April Xu, Documented NY
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