5 December | WORLD SOIL DAY 2023               Share your best photos with us!
World Soil Day (#WorldSoilDay) aims to raise awareness of the importance of healthy soils for a healthy life
The theme for 2023 is 'Soil and water, a source of life' urges to focus our attention on precious link between soil and watersalt-affected soils and their implication to food security, climate change and the SDGs.
WEBSITE (available in the 6 UN official languages)

Send us your best high quality World Soil Day photos through any free file transfer service (details below) through this form! They will be included in the Official WSD Flickr photoalbum. Please remember to agree with the terms and conditions specified below.
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Please provide here the link to the free file transfer platform (i.e. Google drive, Share drive, WeTransfer, Dropbox) so we can download your photos. ***When photos are published, only the first initial, full family name (or school/institute), WSD event and country of origin will be published. No other personal information will be published or shared.
Please share a short description/caption for the WSD photos you shared, naming the WSD event organized and the country.
PERMISSION FORM - Terms and conditions
In exchange for consideration received, I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally give my permission to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to use, reproduce, publish and distribute for non-commercial purposes, my name, photographic likeness and/or video in any format and through any medium whatsoever, to promote the activities of FAO, including but not limited to publications, posters, audio-visual materials, webpages presentations, campaigns, publicity material and any other lawful use concerning the same. In connection to the foregoing, I agree that FAO, at its own discretion, has the right to change, edit and or treat the photographic likeness and/or video. I hereby grant FAO the right to superimpose text or quotations on the photographs.

I understand that I will not receive compensation for the use of my name, the photographic likeness and/or videos in any form.

I understand that my name, the photographic likeness and/or video may be used by FAO, without any further consultation with me, for the above-mentioned purposes, in any and all countries of the world.

By signing this Subject Release form, I acknowledge that I have completely read, fully understood and agree with the above conditions.

If subject is under 18 years of age: I, parent/legal guardian of the above named child do hereby give my consent without reservation to the foregoing on behalf of my child.  
I agree with the above terms and conditions
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