#BCCFTakeHome Dinner Survey
Thank you for participating in our first #TakeBCCFHome Dinner, a partnership with local chefs, cooks, and caterers! We appreciate your time in giving us feedback which will help inform our plans when organizing future public fundraising events.

Thank you again for your support and patience as we learn together!
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What ticket option did you select? *
Are you interested in learning from the chefs, cooks, and caterers that partnered with BCCF to learn how to make the dishes you enjoyed in your meal? *
What did you enjoy about our #TakeBCCFHome dinner? *
Please check all that apply.
Please share any additional feedback you have about your #TakeBCCFHome dinner experience here
Is there anything you would like us to improve for our next Take-home Dinner? What could we have done better?
On a scale of 1-5, how do you feel about the quality of the meal you received? *
Poor quality
Excellent quality
On a scale of 1-5, how do you feel about the value of the meal you received? *
Poor value
Excellent value
Please share any comments about the dinner packaging here
Would you participate in our Take-home Dinner if we held it again? *
Would you recommend our Take-home Dinner to your friends and family if we held it again? *
Please share any ideas about future events you would like to see from the farm. How would you like to be engaged by Black Creek Community Farm ?
Please include your name and contact info (email and/or phone) if you would like to chat more with a BCCF staff about your experience. Otherwise, all survey responses are anonymous.
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