2023 Groff's Content Farm Turkey Order Form
It's that time again! Order your Groff's Content turkey today. Our turkeys are raised the way they should. Fed locally sourced grains. No GMOs. No Soy. Fresh air. Green pastures. Clean water. Not only do our turkeys get to spread their wings, they can fly (until they get too big, that is!) 
Birds without Borders isn't just a slogan, it's a way of life at Groff's Content Farm. 

Conveniently pick-up your turkey at any of the 8 farmers' markets we go to on the Saturday,  Sunday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We also have farm pickup or delivery available. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
How would you like to pickup your turkey? *
What size turkey would you like?

We have a limited number of heritage turkeys available 

Please remember we can not control the turkeys' growth rate. While we strive to give you the size you want, you might get a smaller or larger turkey.
 Questions? Comments? Back up choices or clarifications? Let us know! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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