Blair-Taylor United Campus Wall of Inspiration Nomination Form
Nomination Criteria:  

1)  Nominee can be living or deceased.
2)  Must be a past or present residents of Blair-Taylor School District.
3)  Nominee does not have to be a graduate of Blair-Taylor Schools (Blair or Taylor).
4)  Nomination form must be completed and submitted to the Blair-Taylor District Office or online between January 1st
      and May 1st. No verbal nominations will be accepted.
5)  Nominations are unlimited.
6)  No self nominations.

Month, Day, Year *
Name of the person being nominated *
Address (If applicable)
Telephone Number (If applicable)
Email Address (If applicable)
Name of person nominating above person *
Address *
Telephone Number *
Email Address *
BACKGROUND: Tell us about your nominee's background leading up to how he or she became a person of inspiration. *
CONTRIBUTION: Describe his or her contribution to society. *
INSPIRATION: Describe how your nominee inspires today's Blair-Taylor Students. *
CHARACTER: Describe how this person exhibits good character. *
LEADERSHIP: Describe leadership qualities exhibited by your nominee. *
ACHIEVEMENT/RECOGNITION: Describe what your nominee accomplished or achieved that would model something for today's youth. Describe any local, regional, national or international recognition your nominee has achieved. *
OTHER: Is there anything else you would like the nominating committee to know about your nominee? *
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