Follow the Directions
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English name: *
Number: *
Class: *
Find the correct word to describe what you see!
1. Wait for me at the... *
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2. Go across the ... *
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3. The street is too busy. Take the _____. *
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4. There is a market set up in the ______. People are selling things. *
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5. Don't block the ________! It's for walking! *
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6. Park your car in the __________ *
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7. Go one _______ down Yellow Street and turn left onto Brown Street *
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8. Turn left at the next ____________. *
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9. The fruit shop is ______ the school and the deli. *
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10. The bank is _________ the florist. *
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11. The park is _______ the bakery. *
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12. The park is ___________ the library. *
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13.  Be careful when you cross the __________. *
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14.  Don't turn in there! It is a ________. *
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15.  Turn on your lights when you enter a _____. *
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16.  Wow. Cool! The ______ is up to let a boat pass! *
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17. The traffic is so bad because of _______. *
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18. Let's go to the _________. It is faster than walking. *
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19. Don't ride your scooter there. It is a _______. *
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20. Be very careful when you go near the ______. *
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