Global Campaign for Education - US (GCE-US) Member Survey
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Total number of children served
Total number of communities served
What do you enjoy/value the most about GCE-US?
Please rate your overall satisfaction of your experience as a GCE-US coalition member.
Please indicate why below.
Are there ways that GCE-US could be more effective? Please share:
In what ways do you want to contribute to the GCE-US mission of promoting education as a basic human right and mobilizing to create political will in the United States and internationally to ensure universal quality education?
Which topics do you consider top priority or of interest?
Please specify and share how you and your organization would like to contribute.
GCE-US would like to partner with organizations to engage youth and grassroots constituents around the USA in global education advocacy. When and how would your organization like to partner in this way? (Example: Provide advocacy and global education training at one of your events)
Please share any additional ideas or feedback below. Thank you very much!
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