AFL2 Spring Exam 2 BK-U7 Descriptions
Unit 7
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Listening Section: Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
PART 1: Listen to a conversation add the missing words.
Q.#1 That's the park where you play _________, isn't it? *
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Q.#2 Over there is the new ___________ which I told you about. *
Q.#3 The one which sells great ____________. *
Q.#4 I love places where you can eat ______________. *
Q.#5 Let's go and have __________. *
PART 2: Listen to sentences and choose the correct word
Q.#6 (L1) That's the hotel _______ we stayed at last years... *
Q.#7 (L1) That's the hotel ___X____ we stayed at last years...___#7______ *
Q.#8 (L2) You won't forget the party tonight, ______. *
Q.#9 (L3) You're wearing a new dress, ___________ *
Q.#10 (L4) You haven't found the bag ________ you lost, .... *
Q.#11 (L4) You haven't found the bag ____x____ you lost, ..._____#10______ *
Q.#12 (L5) You went to the restaurant ________ I told you about.... *
Q.#13 (L5) You went to the restaurant ____xx____ I told you about...._____#13_____ *
PART 3: Listen to Pepe introduce some important things to him.
Q.#14 Someone who Pepe really respects is... *
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Q.#15 The interviewer says that this man sounds very adventurous, but Pepe says he is very... *
Q.#16 Which word does Pepe use that means 'beautiful?' *
Q.#17 The item which Pepe feels is very important is... *
Q.#18 Pepe considers this item very... *
PART 4: Listen to 3 people describe things. Write in the words you hear.
Q.#19 (Helena) This is a person _______ you can ask for help if you have a problem. *
Q.#20 (Helena) He or she wears a __________ and usually drives a car. *
Q.#21 (Helena) You should go to the place ________ these people are and tell them. *
Q.#22 (Frederica) This is a picturesque place _______ you go when you want to go for a walk.... *
Q.#23 (Frederica) It can be in a _________... *
Q.#24 (Josh) This is a very _________ thing which a lot of people have. *
Q.#25 (Josh) It makes a noise to ________ you up, and you have to turn it off. *
Q.#26 This conversation is mostly about... *
Q.#27 The woman make a small mistake. What is it? *
Q.#28 Right now, the man has to... *
Q.#29 The man must pay an additional fee because... *
Q.#30 Later, the man must remember to... *
The Chinese Zodiac:
PART 6: Listen to a description of 3 animals in the Chinese zodiac. Choose the best answers.
Q.#31 According to the woman, Monkey's are... *
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Q.#32 They love to .... *
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Q.#33 Monkeys often play... *
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Q.#34 Monkey's prefer living in the... *
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Q.#35. Finally, Monkeys are very _________. *
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Q.#36. The speaker says Roosters like to ______ well. *
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Q.#37. The speaker says Roosters have a lot of _______. *
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Q.#38. The speaker says Roosters are very good at working ______. *
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Q.#39. From the speakers description, Roosters often are very.... *
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Q.#40. From the speakers description, Dogs are excellent... *
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Q.#41. Dogs often know a lot about... *
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Q.#42. A person who is a Dog may be a good... *
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Q.#43. Although Dogs don't like to wear fancy clothes, they are good at.... *
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PART 7: Listen to a conversation and answer the questions.
Q.#44. This conversation is probably happening... *
Q.#45. The woman would say that the man is... *
Q.#46. The woman tells the man he has to be more... *
Q.#47. The man is worried about upsetting his... *
Q.#48. The man is worried about upsetting his... *
Q.#49. We can guess that... *
Q.#50. In the end, the man gets what he wants. *
Just Joking:
An interesting experiment...
Q.#51. The professor is making the subjects (people in the experiment)... *
Q.#52. Annie must tell the people waiting that... *
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Q.#53. The experiment was supposed to start at.. *
Q.#54. The first person to get angry is... *
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Just Joking 2:
Q.#53. Pierce (the oldest person) is having trouble with.. *
Q.#54. People laugh at Troy because... *
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Q.#55. Abed is very interested in.. *
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