An open call to express interest in contributing to BC Resilience Pathways Report 2022
Resilience Pathways is a knowledge-sharing project that recognizes that everyone—all of society—has a role in designing our resilience to disaster and climate risk.
Resilience Pathways will be a comprehensive collection of articles that share knowledge and insights from organizations and individuals active in resilience planning in BC. Contributors to Resilience Pathways include a wide range of practitioners, researchers, and authorities across any and all sectors engaged with disaster and climate risk.
Please see for the Resilience Pathways project description and the anticipated list of articles.

While many potential contributors to Resilience Pathways are known to project organizers, many are not known. The intent of the open call is to broaden the perspectives shared in each article of the Resilience Pathways 2022 collection. Open call contributors will be providing additional information and insight to the development of articles, enabling co-authors to consider a potentially greater range of challenges, impacts, resilience planning activities, and recommendations.
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Email *
Name *
Phone number *
Is this form submitted on behalf of an organization or an individual? *
Organization name (skip this question if this form is submitted on behalf of an individual)
Position in the organization (skip this question if this form is submitted on behalf of an individual)
Affiliation (if the form is submitted on behalf of an individual.)
Which one of the following stakeholder groups does your organization belong to? *
How do you describe the role of your organization in building resilience OR your own role in building resilience? *
Which category does your submission belongs to? *
What is the title of your submission (this is not the final title and may change)? *
Which article topics from the anticipated list of articles do you believe this submission is relevant to? See attached file and write down up to 3 article topics.   *
Captionless Image
Provide a brief description of the project, challenge, recommendation, good practice, or idea. (~ 500 words) *
Is more information available online? If so, provide URLs or hyperlinks. *
If accepted, who should be credited for this submission? Provide given and surname, and your organization (if the contributor represents the organization with this submission), as it should appear in the article byline. *
Would you like to be added to the email list for Resilience Pathways? *
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