January 23: Teacher Education and Beyond: State, National, and Global Impacts
Register now to be part of an event taking place 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, in the UK Gatton Student Center Worsham Cinema. "Teacher Education and Beyond: State, National, and Global Impacts" is hosted by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in celebration of the University of Kentucky College of Education’s 100th anniversary.

The event will feature alumni and faculty emerita, who will talk about the impacts of their work both within and beyond the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Featured guests will offer short talks, followed by opportunities for discussion. This event is open to the public.

Scheduled panelists include:
  • Dr. Jason Glass, former state commissioner of education
  • Dr. Felicia Cumings Smith, president and director of the National Center for Families Learning
  • Dr. Angene Wilson, professor emerita

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