Te Awa River Ride Survey
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on your experience of the Te Awa River Ride. You will go into the draw to win one of three $100 New World gift vouchers!

Your responses are confidential, and you will not be identified unless you choose otherwise later in this survey.
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How did you hear about the Te Awa River Ride?
Do you live in the area, or were you visiting at the time you last cycled/walked/ran the Te Awa River Ride?
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Including yourself, how many adults and children were in the group cycling/walking the Te Awa River Ride with you?
Adults, aged 15 years or more
Children, aged 14 years or less
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For what reasons were you using the trail on the last occasion you cycled/walked the Te Awa River Ride?
And were you mainly...?
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Which sections of the Te Awa River Ride did you cycle/walk on your most recent experience?
How long, in total, did you spend on the trail?
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Which of the following facilities or services did you use in association with your experience on the Te Awa River Ride (that is, before, during or immediately after)?
How much did you spend as a result of your Te Awa experience? Please include all expenditure during your stay/experience e.g. accommodation, food and beverage, shuttles etc.
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Based on your (most recent) experience of the Te Awa River Ride, how would you rate the following forms of information?
Very Poor
Very Good
Information available on the Te Awa River Ride website www.te-awa.org.nz
Trail map or brochure
Te Awa River Ride Facebook Page
Great Rides App
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How would you rate the facilities and services on the trail?
Very Poor
Very Good
Bike hire facilities/services in the area of the trail
Quality of hire bikes
Bike shuttle/other transport service available to/from the trail
Toilet facilities along the trail
Accommodation available in the area of the trail
Food and beverage services available along the trail
Other activities available on/near the trail
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How would you rate the following aspects of the trail itself?
Very Poor
Very Good
Trail difficulty (was as expected)
Trail gradient/slope
Condition of the trail surface
Directional and wayfinding signage
Interpretation and story-telling signage
Overall trail conditions
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Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience of the Te Awa River Ride?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
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What, if anything, did you enjoy most about your experience? Any highlights?
What, if anything, might have made your experience more enjoyable?
How likely is it that you would recommend the Te Awa River Ride to a friend or colleague?
Very unlikely
Very likely
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People say they been affected in different ways by their experience on a cycle trail. Which of the following, if any, would you say apply to you as a result of your recent Te Awa River Ride experience?
If you selected that you were affected in some other way to the above question, please specify
Which of the following, if any, did you or members of your cycling/walking party encounter during your experience on the Te Awa River Ride?
Which of the other trails have you cycled/walked?
In total, on how many separate occasions have you cycled/walked the Te Awa River Ride or another of the previous trails in the last 12 months?
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