The People's Colloquium - Grant Application Form
The People’s Colloquium - Portland, Oregon

The People’s Colloquium is a 501c3 nonprofit based in Portland Oregon that offers grants to organizers who provide free educational offerings in the arts and humanities either locally in Portland or available through the internet.

These grants are intended to cover operational costs related to the grant offering. For example, the cost of owning a account that hosts reading groups; printing costs for a pamphlet related to an in-person seminar; or the stipend for a lecturer.

As of now, we do not offer grants internationally.

The process of evaluating a grant application and either approving or denying funds takes between one and three months. Grants applications that solely request funding for electronic subscriptions such as Zoom, Meetup, Mailchimp, or similar, can often be evaluated more quickly.

The last three questions have no effect on whether your application will be approved for funding, and you may choose not to answer them, if you prefer.

We look forward to reviewing your application and hope to fund your offerings!
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Full name *
Primary email address (Please provide the email address that you want your grant award sent to via PayPal.) *
The People’s Colloquium awards grants in support of free education in the arts and humanities. Please confirm that your educational offering meets these criteria. *
What is the name of your educational offering? *
Do you host your educational offering as an event? *
How often do you host your event(s)?
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What is the typical attendance for your events?
What digital platforms do you use to host/support your events?
Are you applying for this grant to cover the costs of any digital subscriptions?
Please describe your educational offering in the arts and humanities *
Please provide links to the events' presence online (examples: Meetup description, social media, website.) *
When did you start providing your educational offering?
How did your educational offering grow or change overtime?
Are you requesting funds for a project (besides hosting events) that will support education in the arts and humanities? *
Please describe your project.
Please provide a list breaking down the specific use of funding and the expected cost of each use item. Please provide links to any items you might want to purchase. *
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