2023 STEM Day at the State Fair Exhibitor Application
STEM Day 2023, hosted by SciMathMN, is now being planned for the Opening Day of the State Fair, Thursday, August 24, 2023.

STEM Day (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at the State Fair was launched in 2010 to great success. Held the first day of the Minnesota State Fair in Dan Patch Park, STEM Day has attracted more exhibitors and State Fair visitors each year.

This year we have adopted the theme "You Belong in STEM".  You can expect that theme to be reflected in many aways throughout the planning, marketing, and on STEM Day.  We encourage exhibitors to incorporate that theme in your promotional materials for the event, at the event, and encouraging your staff and volunteers to reflect on their own path into their career and how they built their STEM identify. 

This application helps the STEM Day Committee determine this summer’s roster of exhibitors. Please read the instructions carefully and provide as much specific and detailed information as possible to assist our committee in its final selections. Full and complete applications will receive priority during the selection process.

STEM Day focuses on reaching K-12 youth, their families, and teachers.

Goals include:
1. To communicate that STEM is fun and rewarding; STEM has a huge impact and benefit on our society; wonderful STEM career opportunities exist, both now and in the foreseeable future, and that YOU can find your place in any number of STEM careers;
2. To connect attendees to STEM resources throughout the state year-round.
These messages are best communicated with hands-on activities that engage our target audience in critical and creative thinking skills and encourages them to question and seek answers that enhance their STEM knowledge. In your application please provide a detailed description of your activity. This will be integral in the selection process.

Our goal is to present a broad representation of STEM fields with a variety of STEM activities and organizations. If you are interested in being part of this exciting STEM Day at the State Fair, please complete and submit the form below by May 1, 2023.

First Priority will be given to organizations which meet the following criteria (listed in order of importance):
1. Organization’s mission and purpose pertain to and are based in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
2. Organizations that provide a hands-on, STEM-based activity focused on children and youth.
3. Organizations from outside the Twin Cities metro area.
4. Exhibits new to the STEM Day event.
5. Demonstrated goals to target audience.
6. Appropriateness of planned activity.
7. Organization’s ability to underwrite their activity.
8. Organizations that partner with other exhibitors or sponsors

Other factors that influence the committee’s decision:
1. Non-profits must be registered in the state of Minnesota.
2. For-profit companies and organizations are restricted from conducting commercial operations by State Fair policy.
3. Sponsorship of STEM Day.
4. Organizations have a mechanism for community engagement in STEM or a record of volunteer service to the community in STEM activities.
5. Date of submission of the application
Exhibitors are asked to have demonstrations and interactive events centering around one or more of these topics:
- Activities for children/parents outside of school (or perhaps school field trips)
- Promoting STEM activities in school – providing programs or support in advancing STEM
- Career, College and beyond – education and employment opportunities in STEM fields

You may send photos of your plans or past displays to execdir@scimathmn.org.

Exhibitors selected will be notified June 1, 2023.

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Email *
Name of Organization *
(as it should appear on tent sign)
Please provide a 50 word organization description *
Organization's Website *
Organization's social media contact information
Organization's Contact Name *
Organization's Contact Email Address *
Organization's Contact Work Phone *
Include area code
Organization's Contact Mobile Phone *
Include area code
Organization's Secondary Contact Name
Organization's Secondary Contact Email
Organization's Secondary Contact Work Phone
Organization's Secondary Contact Cell Phone
How will your organization reflect and enhance the "You Belong in STEM" theme? 
Exhibit Description: Describe your planned exhibit and activities in 150 words or less. Send any photos to execdir@scimathmn.org. Approved exhibits will be provided a 10’x10’ space with (1) 8’x30” table and (2) chairs beneath an open-sided tent. Please see our sponsorship opportunities (link) if interested in a larger booth. Note that the State Fair has free Wi-Fi service available to the public, however we do not recommend relying on it for your exhibits as it can become unreliable during high traffic times *
Alternate Activity Description *
Also, describe an alternative activity you would provide in the event that we have too many similar offerings.  
Power requirements:  Please indicate how many volts and amps are needed for each piece of equipment you plan to bring.  If no power is required please note that. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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