BAHID online lecture - Philip Boyce Bsc MSc
On: Gunshot bloodstain pattern analysis
Philip Boyce is a leading world expert in Firearms, Gunshot Residue (GSR) and Tool Marks. He has examined countless items, scenes and related items; providing expertise at medical examinations, post mortems and exhumations. He has provided thousands of expert statements for both the prosecution and defence and given expert witness testimony for many courts, both in the UK and internationally, including: Juvenile, Magistrates, Crown Courts, High Courts, Courts of Appeal and Military Court Martials. During his presentation for the BAHID online lecture series, Philip will cover the basics of gunshot bloodstain pattern analysis, explained with real case examples. Please note that the presentation will include graphic images.
Date and time: 20 April 2022, 19:00-20:00 GMT