Seeking Guidance Questionnaire (CHBRP Advice Column)
Hello, first of all, thank you for reaching out to seek advice from me. Please take a moment to answer the following questions honestly and thoroughly, because it will help me provide you with the best advice I can give. And don’t worry, your personal information will be kept confidential.

By submitting this questionnaire, you consent to having your question and my response published in the advice column of the Chronicle. Your identity will remain confidential unless you state otherwise.  

(OOC: Fill this out as your character! This is a form created for the CampHalfBloodRP subreddit, and is not a genuine source of advice or guidance. Please follow subreddit rules regarding content submission!)
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Name (feel free to use an alias/remain anonymous) *
Write your letter
Please write your question or description of your problem in letter format. There is a short example in the last Chronicle. Feel free to be as vague or specific as you would like. The questions below serve as guidance and not necessarily a template.

  • Background Information:

    • Briefly describe your current life situation and any relevant background information.

  • Specific Issue:

    • What specific issue or challenge are you currently facing?

    • When did you first notice or experience this challenge?

  • Feelings/Emotions:

    • How does this situation make you feel?

    • Have you experienced similar emotions in the past?

  • Decision Making:

    • Have you already taken any steps to address this issue?

    • If yes, what were the outcomes? If no, what is preventing you from taking action?

  • Support System

    • Do you have a support system (friends, family, etc.) that you can lean on during difficult times?

    • Have you discussed this issue with anyone close to you?

  • Desired Outcome

    • What would you like to achieve or change as a result of seeking advice?

    • How do you envision a positive resolution to your current situation?

Write Your Letter Here! *
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