Staff Audit - Academic Resilience Approach Blackpool Schools
Staff Audit exercise – A tool for exploring the strengths and needs of your school
Guidance Notes:
This audit is a comprehensive but simple tool designed to be used as a staff exercise. It is for ALL staff to participate in – the more the better. Ideally, you would run this by inviting the teaching and support staff, plus as many others as you can e.g., maintenance, catering, admin, governors.
This exercise will;
Engage and help all staff to explore the kinds of things that build resilience across your school community
Get a sense of how well you are doing within school in relation to the evidence base (what works) in building resilience
Gather together in one place all the good practice already happening in your school; and
Generate ideas, which can be later used for developing action plans for improvement if needed.
The idea is above goals will be achieved through promoting discussion and reflective thinking. In addition, this is a good pre-OfSTED-visit exercise because the areas you are enquiring about will be evidence based in terms of what actually works. It also shows commitment to building resilience through a broad range of strategies – on both whole school and interpersonal levels.
What to do;
1. Identify and evaluate the strengths and needs of your school using this online tool. The auditing process is a vital part of the Whole school Academic Resilience Approach , to hear and learn from ALL staff about their perspectives and opinions in your school community.
2. After obtaining individual contributions, ask small groups (5-10 staff) to focus on different sections of this tool for further thinking; this will encourage lots of discussion and generate ideas. The aim of this exercise is to bring staff together to promote discussion and reflective thinking on why and how to build resilience across the school.
3. Ask someone in each group to record the discussion. This is essential for documenting and actioning in the future.
4. Collate the answers and use them to form the basis of your action planning. Don’t forget to let staff know the outcomes and next steps.
5. Remember to acknowledge that good practice already happening in your school but keeping track of all those pockets of activity is difficult. This is not a new fad or more performance measures…much of the approach is about endorsing the common sense things we can do as a school to create a supportive, positive school climate and promote resilience and well-being in all school community.

NOTE; this exercise is designed as part of a wider whole school audit to gather other views across the school community. However, even if you just did this one thing with staff you will come up with good stuff to build on.

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How well are you doing? //   How well does the school enable or support you to do this? *
I Don't Know
Nurturing and inclusive ethos that celebrates diversity.
Everyone is respectful, caring and helpful.
Well-resourced and stimulating environment.
Ensure everybody identifies themselves as a valuable member of this school.
Develop shared responsibilities and obligations to look after each other and the environment
Parents engaged with school and always met with compassion, empathy, and unconditional positive regard.
Map out development opportunities for everyone in the school
Ensure a broad and diverse curriculum meets individual needs and develops a deep knowledge base
Ensure school is highly organised and efficient
Fun, play and laughter are in the DNA of the school
Pastoral support is timely, widely available and effective
Solution focused approaches that are proactive not reactive
School embodies shared belief that everyone can flourish and be resilient
Flexible, adaptive and distributed leadership across all layers, including pupils.
Ensure shared values and aspirational vision across school community
Areas which were supported by the Innovation Fund have now improved and continue to be developed
Systems and structures that prevented support for areas of development have been changed and continue to be evaluated
There are opportunities for challenging inequalities on a local and national level
Hold in mind any long-lasting negative outcomes from Covid and continue to support these
Take forward any positive outcomes from your Covid response and embed them into your system and structures
Ensure all pupils, staff and parents/ carers have opportunities to co-produce improvements and changes at all levels within the school, including systems and structures
If you answered Red or Amber- What needs to improve? *
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