Frisco Independent School District Job Fair RSVP

Please join us, on December 6, 2024 from 3:30-5:30 PM, at The Frisco Independent School District Administration Building to meet with hiring supervisors and learn about opportunities in Frisco ISD!

5515 Ohio Drive
Frisco, Texas 75035

This job fair is specifically for all district positions with the exceptions of school administrators or counselors.  Those interested in school administration and/or counselor positions should review our district webpage and apply for those positions at 

If you have not yet applied for a position, please visit our website to begin the application process.

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I will be attending the Frisco Independent School District Job Fair.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about the Job Fair?
Position Seeking *
If seeking a Secondary Teaching Position, what content area are you (or will be) certified in?
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If you are seeking a secondary position, are you interested in coaching sports?
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If you answered "yes" or "maybe" to the previous question, please let the sports of which you are interested.
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