Building on our prior success with events supporting cleaner transportation, we are planning and hosting two Clean Transportation Demonstration Days in March of 2024. The objective is to give government entities across North Carolina information and experience with clean transportation technologies. These two events will consist of classroom instruction with real-world case study results, hands-on static review of vehicles and equipment, networking, and a closed-course ride & drive for those who wish to participate. Classroom instruction will include alternative fuel options, telematics and other new technologies, safety, and more. There will be a diverse display of vehicles such as electric and alt-fuel vehicles, buses, police vehicles, with an emphasis on medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
To help minimize wait times during ride & drives, we are offering two sessions on each day to allow more people to participate in the Demonstration Days. You may choose to attend in the morning from 10 am to 1 pm or in the afternoon from 1 pm to 4 pm. Each session will begin with 1 hour of classroom instruction and then transition into the hands-on technology static review and ride & drive.