The Orange Room
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Educator Share Showcase
We invite you to contribute to The Orange Room, a community where educators can learn from each other about efficient and innovative ways to use Brightspace. The Orange Room is a place where you can share your tips, suggestions, knowledge, and expertise to help your colleagues use Brightspace to improve their teaching and to inspire the next generation of learners.

Are you doing something innovative? Have you discovered a handy tip? Please share how you are using Brightspace in your teaching and learning. Give a brief description of what you are doing in Brightspace along with some reflections on why it has worked well for you. Perhaps you might even suggest how others can use it.

Note: We appreciate all contributions. We plan to post contributions to our CAT+FD web site.
Title (e.g., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Sr., Fr.) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Department *
Use this space to enter a description of what you are doing in Brightspace. *
Use this space to provide a reflection why this worked well for you. Perhaps you might even suggest how others can use it. *
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