Please fill out one registration form for your family. This registration form applies to one or all of the following programs offered in 2023-2024:
Donuts & Devos: Once per month on Sundays during 10am worship service. Youth start with friends or families and are dismissed for Donuts & Devos partway through the service. For youth grades 6-12, beginning Sept. 24
BCov Youth Group (grades 6-12): Wednesdays from 6:10-7:50pm. Optional: Youth can help lead the music/Christmas program rehearsal time from 6:10-6:30 in the BCov Kids room (130) OR help clean up/put away tables in the gym and start gym play early. At 6:30, youth spend 15 minutes in the gym before heading to the Youth Room.
BCov Family Events (for all ages!): One Wednesday per month
Confirmation (grades 7-8) and Mentor Ministry (grades 6-12): Talk to Jess or Anna for more information
Youth-led Music for Kids & Youth : Help lead worship at 10am on occasional Sundays. Rehearsals are during the 6:10-6:30 music time in the BCov Kids room
BCov Kids and Youth Christmas Program: Rehearsals are 6:10-6:30 in the BCov Kids room on Wednesdays
*No Youth Group on Family Event Wednesdays*
Bloomington Covenant Church 10150 Xerxes Ave S., Bloomington, MN 55431
Jess Hoffman, Director of Family Ministries: or 952-857-9838