Satisfaction Survey for Creative Therapeutic Solutions, LLC
Please complete the following form to anonymously submit feedback for Creative Therapeutic Solutions.
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How would you rate your experience initially finding the therapist?
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How would you rate your experience initially contacting the therapist/participating in a phone consultation?
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How would you rate your experience in scheduling and rescheduling appointments?
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How would you rate your experience in communication with therapist outside of sessions?
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How would you rate your experience in filing for copays and insurance claims?
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How similar or different was the therapist to your expectations as advertised?
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How did you find this therapist?
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What did you enjoy about this therapist?
What did you not enjoy about this therapist?
If you are no longer seeing this therapist, what are your reasons for no longer seeing the therapist?
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What did you enjoy about the office at 3516 Vann Rd Ste 106A, Trussville?
What did you not enjoy about the office at 3516 Vann Rd Ste 106A, Trussville?
What did you enjoy about telehealth sessions?
What did you not enjoy about telehealth sessions?
What makes this therapist different from other therapists?
If you would like to anonymously submit a short endorsement of your experience of this therapist or your time in therapy for the therapist to display on their website, please do so here.  
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