Anime - For anime fans, you can watch and discuss segments of student-selected anime shows and movies, learn about this unique art form, and possibly draw some of your own anime characters.
Arts and Crafts -- This interest group will focus on painting, knitting or crocheting, coloring, drawing, or jewelry making. You will have an individual choice of the project you want to pursue.
Beekeeping -- Explore the art of beekeeping with us! Our group will not just be an apiary; it will be an immersive outdoor learning environment. We will work towards establishing/maintaining a healthy hive (or two) and be involved in all aspects of the management of the super-organisms. All students will be expected to fully engage in beekeeping.
Board Games -- Students can socialize with each other as they engage in some friendly competition. Students can bring in their pre-approved favorites, or we have Yahtzee, Taboo, Scrabble, and Operation, among others, on hand.
Book Club -- Ever find yourself wishing you had more time to read? Students in this interest group will spend time reading, discussing, and escaping into a good book each Friday. Students will bring their own book from home, or check out a book from a teacher's classroom or the AB Tech library.
Creative Writing -- In the Creative Writing interest group students can write alone or collaboratively, story board with an artist, get critique feedback from peers, read from favorite works or their own, and learn about contests and submission processes. If you are looking for writing support or encouragement, come join us!
Discussing Hot Topics Mindfully -- This interest group will be a space to discuss ideas and events that are important to its members. We will work to create norms and processes that allow all members to feel safe to share their own truths. We will recognize the value of speaking and listening. We will seek the calming and healing that can happen through sharing and discussing. We will also connect the value of these skills to life beyond the classroom.
Drawing-- Students in this group will explore the many aspects of the art of line drawing, including using still life, models, and released art for inspiration. Students can work independently or collaboratively to create new work and could use digital drawing tools as available.
Dungeons and Dragons -- This club is an opportunity to play D and D with like-minded individuals who love the challenge of this unique game..and teach your teacher how to play as well.
Exploring Careers and your Future -- Students will explore what it takes to discover, pursue, and land the career they most desire. We will use Naviance, CFNC and other research strategies to identify your personalized vision and path. Guest speakers will be invited based on student requests to share their own journey to a fulfilling career.
Gym Games -- We'll play basketball and other games like volleyball, dodgeball, indoor soccer, and GaGa ball each Friday in the gym. Ball is life.
Mindfulness and Meditation -- Feeling a little stressed? Students will learn and practice the basic elements of meditation and mindfulness while also learning more about the positive impact of these practices on the brain.
Music -- Students in this interest group will bring their own instruments or voices and their talents to explore the joy of music. Students can write/learn/perform songs together, share new or favorite songs or artists, and tutor each other.
Outdoor Group Games -- Do you like the idea of getting outside, moving around, and having fun with peers? Students in this group will choose from a variety of outdoor games and activities such as frisbee, four square, tag, and others.
Photography - Students will practice taking different types of photos (landscapes, portraits, panoramas) both inside and outside using primarily their phone cameras. They will explore online tools to edit/enhance photos and use their own photos to create collages, websites, or documentaries.
SAGA -- This is a student-led LGBT+, racial, and gender justice organization that empowers youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize a movement for safer schools and healthier communities. We provide a platform for students to design SAGA to best fit their needs, including providing support, a safe place to socialize and build alliances, advocacy for just policies to protect all youth from harassment and violence.
Strength Training -- Any student can build strength (and character) by engaging in a variety of fun exercises using bodyweight to build muscle and develop flexibility.
Stress and Anxiety Management -- A small counseling group where we will work on coping skills for handling stress and anxiety related to school, family, work, or whatever might trigger that feeling for you.
Walking/Hiking-- In this club you can expect to hike on and off trail every Friday. This club requires a positive attitude, a willingness to go outside (even when it’s cold), and shoes designed to occasionally encounter dirt. If you like to walk and hike outside and explore our beautiful campus, then this group is for you.
Yearbook -- BCEC and BCMC are not traditional high schools, and this won’t be your traditional yearbook! This publication will be a space to capture the awesome things that are happening around our campus, including interest groups, student talents, and impressive student work. This club will work in collaboration with other groups to capture the spirit of our students and school community.