2021-2022 M-DCPS                                                            Internal Project Funding Requests
The official list of project funding requests for Cabinet-approved M-DCPS initiatives will be managed via this tool. If your bureau has an approved project or initiative which requires additional funding, please answer the questions below as they pertain to each individual project's funding for this school year and/or beyond. A committee with representatives from the Superintendent's Office, the Office of Grants Administration, the Office of Community Engagement and the Foundation for New Education Initiatives will meet at least quarterly to prioritize and align District fundraising efforts.
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M-DCPS Bureau Name *
M-DCPS Cabinet Member who has approved this initiative *
What? (Brief description of need) *
Who? (Description of target audience served) *
Why? (Rationale for the need) *
When? (Beginning and end of funding period) *
Exact amount of funding needed ($) *
Exact amount(s) and source(s) of funding already secured ($) *
Is this linked to a MAP? If so, which one (inclusive of FY)? -- Link: https://superintendent.dadeschools.net/Documents/2021-2022%20MAPs.pdf  *
Link to Strategic Plan (Infinite Possibilities 2021-2026; Pillar, Objective, and Strategy) -- Link: https://strategicplan.dadeschools.net/Infinite-Possibilities-2021-2026-Strategic-Plan.pdf  *
Contact from your bureau for this initiative (Name, Position, Email, Phone) *
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