Registration for BEJA Town Halls/ Registracion para la reuniones de BEJA/Enskripsyon pou diskisyon BEJA/ 注册参加BEJA讨论
Email *
First Name/ Primer Nombre/ Premye Non/名/Magaca Hore *
Last Name/ Apellido/ Siyati/姓/Magaca Dambe *
Phone/ telefono/ Telefòn/ 电话/Taleefan *
Which Town Hall will you attend?/ ¿A qué Town Hall asistirás?/ Ki Town Hall ou pral patisipe?/ 您将参加哪个市政厅?/Waa kuwee Hoolka Magaalada ee aad ka qayb geli doonto? *
Are you a:/ Eres un:/ Èske w se yon:/ 你是不是一个:/Ma waxaad tahay: *
Do you need interpretation? If so, what language?/ Necesitas interprete? De cual idioma?/ Ou bezwen entèpretasyon? Si se konsa, ki lang?/ 需要解释吗?如果是这样,用什么语言?/Ma u baahan tahay fasiraad? Hadday sidaas tahay, luqaddee?
What is one question you have that you would like to discuss in the meeting?/ Cual es una pregunta que le gustaria discutir durante la reunion/ Ki kesyon ou genyen ke ou ta renmen diskite nan reyinyon an?/ 您想在会议上讨论的一个问题是什么?/Maxay tahay hal su'aal oo aad jeceshahay inaad ka hadasho kulanka?
School you are connected to, if any?/¿A la escuela a la que estás conectado?/Lekòl ou konekte ak, si genyen?/您所连接的学校(如果有)?/Dugsiga aad ku xidhan tahay, haddii uu jiro?
Neighborhood where you live?/ Vecindario donde vives?/ Katye kote w ap viv?/ 您居住的邻居?/Xaafadda aad ku nooshahay?
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